Guide to Using our Site
- Our site follows a 3-stage job search process, detailed below
- Navigation: Pages include a "Back" button below the "Home" menu link. Icons serve as links to tools, Titles can be scanned for definitions.
- Pages include links at the top-right to two popular AI platforms: here are instructions on how to SIGNUP
- The Account menu tab contains links: Join Support Community, Job Docs, Donate, and User Profile
- The Job Docs link contains AI tools make resume and professional Profile creation easy
- The Account menu tab also has a Donate link to "", a nonprofit site which we use to process donations
Our 3-stage process will speed your search!

Research shows the loss of self-confidence is the biggest roadblock to landing a job. It’s essential to actively work on maintaining a positive mindset to counteract rejections encountered during job search.
An efficient job search requires focus. Career Actions offers Knowledge Bases on Emerging Industry Sectors and Artificial Intelligence, along with databases of thousands of firms and job opportunities, including well-funded startups, to help you better target your next career move.
Networking is key to getting connected to Hiring Managers. The most effective way is through a personal introduction or having your resume sent directly to the Hiring Manager, increasing the chances it will be reviewed. If your personal network isn’t large enough, Career Actions’ community is here to help.