Individual Membership

This membership is perfect for professionals looking to stay current in today’s rapidly changing work environment. It provides access to continually updated Knowledge Bases and AI tools.

  • Contributions:: As a nonprofit, we rely on contributions. We encourage donations of any amount you deem appropriate, but suggest a minimum of $5/month to help cover our nonprofit's costs. Contributions are not mandatory.

  • Cancellation Policy: You can cancel your subscription at any time—no strings attached.

  • Access: This membership grants you access to most sections of the website, except for the Support-Community section, which requires a commitment to helping others in their job search.

  • Weekly Updates: You’ll receive emails with the latest career information to keep you informed.

Provides access to these website sections:

  • Stay Positive: Resources to help you maintain a positive attitude during your career..

  • Manage Career: Tools and knowledge bases for staying current in a rapidly evolving career landscape.

Agreement: By joining, you agree that Career Actions may revoke your membership if unprofessional behavior is exhibited, as determined by Career Actions.

Duration: 12 Months
Price: Free